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Energy Efficiency

Heat Pump Sales Up Over 50 Percent in Germany in 2023

Manufacturers sold 356,000 heat pump units last year, setting a new record for Europe’s largest market.

The industry groups Bundesverband der Deutschen Heizungsindustrie (BDH) and Bundesverband Wärmepumpe (BWP) said the number of units sold repesented an all-time high. And they expect sales to continue increasing.

“The past year impressively demonstrated the capabilities of the sector,” the CEO of the BDH, Markus Staudt, said in a statement. “The industry did its homework and made broad investments in new production capacities. With that, we create the conditions to realize the political goal of having 500,000 heat pumps on the market by 2024.”

The organizations hope that further actions and incentives by the German national government will additionally bolster consumer demand for heat pumps.

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