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Two-Thirds of New German Residences Have Heat Pumps

The number of newly constructed residential buildings in Germany in 2023 rose by eight percent year-on-year.

Heat pumps have become standard for newly built residences in Europe’s largest economy. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 64.6 percent of buildings constructed last year use the technology. In 2014, that figure was only 31.8 percent, meaning an increase of more than 100 percent over the past decade. 

Meanwhile, the use of gas as a primary heat source in new residences declined to 20 percent. Heat pumps became more popular than gas for residential heating in 2019, and that trend has continued unabated.

Heat pumps are particularly popular in single- and two-family homes. 68.9 percent of finished residences in that category in 2023 used heat pumps as a primary source of heating. The comparable figure for multi-family homes was 41.1 percent.

69.3 percent of all residences completed last year used renewable primary heating. That was up from 38.5 percent a decade ago. 79.6 percent of new residences use renewable heating in some form.

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