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Leading-Edge Cluster Competition: Health/Nutrition

Launched in 2007, the Leading-Edge Cluster Competition was set up to help put Germany at the top of the world league of technologically advanced nations. Science and industry work in tandem in so-called industry-specific "clusters" which enjoy substantial public-private partnership R&D funding. Health/Nutrition account for four of the 15 Leading-Edge Clusters in total.

Biotech Cluster Rhein-Neckar (BioRN)

The Biotech Cluster Rhein Neckar (BioRN) belongs to the first round of five winners awarded Leading-Edge Cluster status by an independent jury in 2008. As such, the successful "Cell-based & Molecular Medicine in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region" application made BioRN the first life science cluster to be awarded Leading-Edge Cluster status.

Thirty-six projects from 25 private sector enterprises have been receiving or will receive Leading-Edge Cluster funding. The first partial projects have been successfully completed and on schedule.

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Cluster for Individualized Immune Intervention (CI3)

Counting on around 120 different partners from universities, university clinics, research institutes, and some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, the CI3 cluster conducts research into the development of efficient immune therapeutics with few side effects, as well as related diagnostic products for stratified and individualized markets.

CI3's three landmark projects are concentrated in the area of research into stratified and individualized vaccines for the treatment of solid cancers as well as novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of coeliac disease.

CI3 aims to bundle the considerable expertise in the Rhine-Main geographical cluster region in the areas of medicinal products, therapeutic approaches and diagnostics in individualized immune intervention to establish CI3 as an internationally leading cluster in the field.

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Medical Valley European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg (EMN)

Medical Valley EMN was awarded Leading-Edge Cluster status in 2010. The cluster has set itself the long-term objective of becoming a model for optimal, cost-effective health care provision. Prevention, diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitative medical products and services are being developed in over 40 projects which bring together numerous small and medium-sized enterprises and global market technology leaders in active partnership. Key areas of activity include imaging diagnostics, intelligent sensors, therapy systems and ophthalmology as well as horizontal innovations for product and process optimization.

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BioM Biotech Cluster

BioM Biotech Cluster was awarded Leading-Edge Cluster status in 2010. More than 100 partners from the midmarket biotech sector, large companies, scientific institutions and clinics in the greater Munich area work on over 40 projects in the areas of oncology and cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. The cluster's stated objective is to establish itself as an international model of excellence in personalized medicine and target-oriented therapies.

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