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National Electric Mobility Platform (NPE)

About the National Platform for Electric Mobility

National Electric Mobility Platform (NPE) National Electric Mobility Platform (NPE) | © GTAI

In May 2010, the German Federal Government constituted the National Electric Mobility Platform (NPE), consisting of representatives from politics, industry, science, local authorities and consumers.

The initiative, which consists of seven working groups of around 20 members, was brought into being in order to direct and shape the road map for the realization of the objectives laid out in the National Development Plan for Electric Mobility.

The different working group areas of activity are as follow

  • Drive technology
  • Battery technology
  • Charging infrastructure and network integration
  • Standardization and certification
  • Materials and recycling
  • Qualification and training
  • Framework conditions

National Platform for Electric Mobility - First Interim Report (2010)

The first interim report of the National Electric Mobility Platform was published in November 2010.

  1. Rapid, concerted and targeted action taken to establish a leading international role to meet 2020 objectives.
  2. The NPE should act as a forum for new partnerships and promote cross-sectoral industry dialogue.
  3. The NPE oversees cross-sectoral industry coordination in matters of strategic import (e.g. standardization).
  4. Optimized interlinking of the different branches, industries and sectors within the broader economy to promote synergies between all lead provider and lead market electric mobility stakeholders.
  5. Proposed research and development activity funding of EUR 4 billion through to the year 2013.
  6. Skills development and training analyses and recommendations concluded and a full appraisal and plan of action to be implemented in the first half of 2011 drawn up.
  7. Fixed definition of reference vehicles drawn up as a common benchmark to aid all working group activities.
  8. Consolidation of concrete drive train, battery, materials, recycling and charging technology projects in R&D road maps as the basis for successful attainment of National Development Plan for Electric Mobility objectives.
  9. Implementation of measures and recommendations proposed in road map for clear setting of international standards.
  10. Initial recommendations in the areas of battery production, training and skills development, materials and resources, and electric vehicle smart grid integration submitted to the Federal Government.
  11. Systematic support of existing and future R&D activities and integration of different industries, disciplines, and market actors therein.

National Platform for Electric Mobility - Second Report (2011)

The second report of the National Electric Mobility Platform was published in May 2011.

The report finds that a package of coordinated measures to strengthen research and development and support the market start-up phase and the application of innovative technologies in so-called "showcase" projects is required to achieve the shared goal of one million vehicles on the road by 2020 to make Germany the lead electromobility market. This goal is achievable as part of a three-stage process:

  • Market preparation phase to 2013 - R&D and showcase project focus
  • Market start-up phase to 2017 - Vehicle and infrastructure market development focus
  • Mass market phase to 2020 - Viable business model focus
National Electric Mobility Platform - Lead market development phases National Electric Mobility Platform - Lead market development phases | © GTAI

The following concrete measures for establishing Germany as the lead market for electric mobility were proposed as part of the report's findings:

  • Promote research, development and networking in "flagship" and "showcase" battery, drive technology, lightweight construction, ICT and infrastructure, recycling and vehicle integration sectors with focus on production research (also in pilot plant projects);
  • Lead partner administered request for tender of flagship and topic cluster-based ministry support programs;
  • Rapid development of necessary key technologies, cross-industry and technology sector integration aspects, and intermodal services
  • Training and qualification of required skilled personnel and management based on competence road map (academic and professional);
  • Strategic and global alignment of norms and standards in accordance with Electric Mobility Standardization Road Map.

A total project volume of EUR 4 billion is foreseen for the abovementioned project objectives in the market preparation phase within the framework of the National Electric Mobility Platform.

National Platform for Electric Mobility – Third Report (2012)

The third report of the National Electric Mobility Platform was published in May 2012.

In this report, the NPE monitors the progress made towards implementation of its recommendations since the publication of the sSecond rReport in May 2011.

  • The goal of becoming the world’s leading electric mobility supplier by 2020 can be jointly achieved through cross-sectoral cooperation to ensure prompt implementation of the R&D lighthouse projects and technology roadmaps; to reach Germany’s electric mobility standardization roadmap and the competence roadmap for education.
  • Establishing Germany’`s own competitive cell and battery manufacturing capability is a key enabler for developing electric mobility in the country.
  • The strengthening the field of lightweight design technology should continue cross-technology cooperation. A further recommendation is the establishment of a central systemic lightweight design research and demonstration center. This would allow basic research to be carried out both at the material interfaces and across the entire value chain.
  • Identify and unlock synergies through collaboration with other institutions for the promotion of electric mobility.
  • The development of the recycle processes should focus on their effectiveness and efficiency in order to secure the supply of important raw materials and ensure that recycling costs do not hinder the progress of electric mobility.
  • Recommended is a removal of barriers to growing the electric mobility market.
  • Ways to achievinge user acceptance of electric vehicles is the factinclude that electric vehicles are suitabilityle for everyday use, guaranteeing the vehicles’ environmental credentials, reducing ownership costs, and optimizing the charging process.
  • It will be essential to build a certain number of fast charging stations. This will be key to addressing potential customers’ concerns about range limitations and 24/7 availability of charging facilities for user who own a parking space and also available on demand to users who do not have their own private parking space.
  • The extent to which the NPE actually achieves its goal of making Germany the world’s leading supplier and leading market needs to be benchmarked internationally. It will only be possible to undertake a full analysis at the end of the pre-market phase in 2014.
  • Recommended is development of the model on value creation and employment.
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