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Germany Trade & Invest "GERMANY. SMART SOLUTIONS. SMARTER BUSINESS." campaign message highlighting Germany's role as Europe's leading ICT nation.

Smart ICT Solutions Creating a Smarter World

A smarter world increases network efficiency by connecting smart grids globally. A smarter world increases network efficiency by connecting smart grids globally. | © GTAI

ICT-based solutions are the engine of progress driving developments in the emerging "smart" industry sectors. They are the key technologies which make a smarter, sustainable economy reality.

High-speed networks, open architectures and intelligent infrastructures that "talk" to each other are ushering in a transitional age of change not seen since the Industrial Revolution. ICT-based solutions make the "smart economy" a reality, by creating a genuinely connected, truly convergent world of intelligent devices for a smarter, more sustainable world.

ICT forms the bedrock upon which tomorrow's business and industry solutions are built. Global questions of climate protection, energy efficiency, and sustainable mobility are but a few examples of the major international challenges being addressed by "smart" ICT solutions.

Germany boasts the largest ICT industry in Europe and the fourth largest internationally. The country's ICT sector plays a significant role in new technological developments - more than 80 percent of innovations in key industry sectors rely on the smart technologies being developed in the thriving ICT sector.

Germany's far-reaching ICT strategy aims to further enhance the ICT-related linkages and capabilities present within the entire economy. To do so, it will press forward with pioneering R&D work in new technological areas including the Internet of Things, the Internet of Services, cloud computing, 3D technology, and ICT for the electric mobility sector.

Whether in its "Digital Germany 2015" ICT strategy, its E-Energy model concept, High-Tech Strategy or National Electromobility Development Plan, Germany has demonstrably shown its commitment to developing and deploying ICT-based smart technologies to address long-term questions of sustainable living.

ICT lays the foundation stone for smart grids ICT lays the foundation stone for smart grids | © Deutsche Bank, RWE

Source: Deutsche Bank, RWE

Intelligent Networks + Efficient Infrastructure = Smart Internet

In order to create a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy, it is imperative that the appropriate network infrastructure is put in place. Secure and reliable telecommunications networks and intelligent network platforms are the foundation upon which the smart knowledge economy is being built.

In the modern world, broadband networks have the same importance to successful business operations as fully functioning road, public transport, water, and power supply infrastructure. This is why Germany is rolling out a blanket broadband network coverage plan which will provide 75 percent of German households with high-speed broadband (50 Mbit/s) by as early as 2014 - significantly surpassing the EU's 2013 and 2020 Digital Agenda targets. 

Next generation IP-based networks bring tomorrow's information-rich smart internet a step closer, allowing interactive smart education, energy, health, and transport platforms to be built to address changing economic and social needs.

In order to achieve its ambitious smart internet goals, Germany is adopting an incentives-based approach that will:

  • capitalize on synergies in infrastructure construction;
  • guarantee supportive frequency policies;
  • commit to growth and innovation-geared regulation;
  • provide appropriate financial support.

Initiatives & Programs: "Digital Germany 2015"

The "Digital Germany 2015" ICT strategy, developed by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy in coordination with other relevant ministries, forms the overarching framework for the country's ICT policy; combining clear targets with specific measures in the fields of ICT and new media. These include:

  • supporting small and medium-sized businesses and the crafts sector through new federal government initiatives and funding programs;
  • pressing forward with research and development on new technologies such as the internet of things, the internet of services, cloud computing, 3D technology, and ICT for the electromobility sector;
  • continuing the multi-stakeholder dialogue on the future design of German ICT policy
  • enhancing security and trust in the digital world for every citizen, every business, and all government authorities;
  • promoting education and media skills to boost the effective use of new technologies.

One of the key objectives of the ICT strategy is the development of intelligent networks in the energy, traffic, health, education and administration sectors based on a well developed broadband infrastructure.

Germany's ICT strategy adheres to the objectives of the "Digital Agenda for Europe" of the European Union. The Digital Agenda is Europe's strategy for a flourishing digital economy by 2020.

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