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THESEUS Projects


Named after the Egyptian city of the same, which was home to the largest library in the ancient world, ALEXANDRIA is a web 2.0 knowledge platform which has been developed to make knowledge more easily and readily accessible. ALEXANDRIA differs from conventional search engines - which rely on keyword searches - by allowing a question search. Initially focusing on world history and current events, ALEXANDRIA's easy-to-use interface allows simple questions to be asked (e.g. "Which 20th century Olympic athletes were natives of Berlin?").

Drawing on the interactive nature of blogs, social media networks and online collaborative information resources like Wikipedia, ALEXANDRIA allows users to "grow" knowledge which is managed by semantic technologies and classification systems for optimal metadata linking. Unanswered questions are passed along the user system so that individual information and multimedia files can be added, allowing the knowledge repository to grow in an organic way. By identifying individual user areas of interest and expertise, ALEXANDRIA also makes it possible to bring knowledge communities together online.


  • Creation of an easy-to-use, intuitive internet-based knowledge platform
  • Active participation of users to create a cross-linked knowledge community
  • Combination of manual and automatic metadata production
  • Development of new navigation and interaction approaches
  • Mobile device support


Within the framework of the CONTENTUS project, cultural institutions and information providers work together to develop the appropriate infrastructure for the digitalization of analogue cultural assets.

Central to the CONTENTUS project is the linking of different online digital knowledge records and the integration of user-generated content to create truly interlinked, next-generation multimedia archives. CONTENTUS links data semantically (according to meaning and relationship) to find the requested information in a number of different media including text, image, film and audio formats.

CONTENTUS provides important technologies that are being used to establish a "German Digital Library" as part of a joint-initiative between the Federal Government, the federal states and local authorities. The goal of the German Digital Library is to provide universal access to the resources of over 30,000 cultural and scientific institutions through a national online access portal using innovative semantic technologies.

CONTENTUS Objectives

  • Widespread access to cultural assets
  • Develop concepts and technologies for next-generation multimedia archives
  • Develop a complete modular workflow (from analogue medium to semantic multimedia search)
  • Automization of key steps (e.g. quality control and media content analysis)
  • Creation of new semantic and multimedia search possibilities
  • Integration of user-generated content


Medical imaging procedures like ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) play a critical role in medical diagnosis and therapy. However, to date no single instrument has been able to intelligently structure and evaluate the different measurement methods (e.g. lab data, images and reports) and make them accessible for quick and easy comprehension.

MEDICO has developed procedures that recognize anatomical structures while automatically classifying data. Using semantic technologies and imaging procedures, MEDICO improves medical diagnosis quality by cross-referencing data, images and treatment reports from different databases in order to identify pathological change. Algorithms designed by the MEDICO research team automatically compare current CT images with images taken prior to treatment in order to determine whether the prescribed therapy is working.

Other conspicuous indicators not covered by CT imaging are evaluated by comparing patient data with a larger, external data set (e.g. university medical center) in order to determine recommendations for further testing and treatment. Using the ORDO application, the responsible physician can also conduct a quick search of the relevant scientific literature relevant to the patient illness. Medical practitioners and patients alike benefit from the diagnostic and therapeutic advantages made possible by MEDICO.

MEDICO Objectives

  • Intelligent research and structure of medical information (e.g. images, reports and texts) to provide information for use in a number of health care scenarios.
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making support
  • Swift and efficient provision of medical information in research and day-to-day hospital routine procedures


The ORDO project was concentrated with the development of innovative approaches and technologies for organizing digital information: online and in company intranets. Researchers working in the ORDO project have developed a system that allows different data and media formats to be retrieved more easily and efficiently.

Services and software tools developed within the project help users to better organize and prioritize contents and search results. In doing so, users are better able to determine what information is of most relevance, allowing them to better filter out unimportant information. ORDO is of particular benefit to those industry sectors which process significant amounts of data (e.g. chemical and pharmaceuticals sectors).

Semantic technologies deployed allow computers to automatically recognize data content and meaning, allowing the data to be put into context. ORDO has also developed procedures for creating classification systems for modeling, managing and organizing data.

ORDO Objectives

  • Semantic organization and prioritization of information
  • Identification of concepts and relationships in texts; extraction of facts and automatic generation of summaries
  • Information relationship visualization


The PROCESSUS project has been concerned with the efficient use of knowledge in company structures. The PROCESSUS platform integrates resource planning and business process management for optimized product, solution and business partner comparison. This allows companies to reduce costs while optimizing their own internal business processes.

Traditional software systems are capable of analyzing documents, but they are unable to place these documents within a broader context. As a semantic service platform, PROCESSUS allows corporate information to support dynamic processes by linking software systems and documents semantically.

PROCESSUS Objectives

  • Expansion of conventional applications (e.g. document and content management systems) to include process orientation
  • Simplification of access to company process-relevant knowledge
  • Reduction of cost and increase in efficiency through semantic technologies


The TEXO project was concerned with the development of an integrated platform for providing, managing and combining internet-based services. The TEXO service marketplace creates the necessary technological conditions for accelerating the development of new services and facilitating the integration of services from a number of different providers. This allows businesses to outsource non-core business tasks to external service providers.

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) groups individual applications into a single user application. Building on standards used to describe individual applications in a service-oriented architecture, TEXO creates an integrated service description language which allows the technical, business-specific and operational aspects of services to be described.

TEXO Objectives

  • Creation of an online service platform
  • Trade of services like goods and combination of services to create new service packages
  • Creation of an open and secure environment for the buying and selling of services online
  • Creation of new business models (particularly for SMEs)
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