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Chemical Industry

CoastSite Wilhelmshaven

Site Classification

Key Data

Site Owner
Site Operator
No Central Operating Company
Full Service (Plug & Play)
Fenced/Open Site
R&D Support
Total Site Area
approx. 3.000 hectares
Total Free Area
approx. 1.000 hectares (2.471 acres)
Number of Permanent Staff
approx. 1.500
Number of Companies On-Site

Key Benefits for Investors

  • Infrastructure

    • Germany’s one and only deep water port

      • Approach only 23 nautical miles, fairway 300 meters wide, water depth minimum 18 meters, 24/7 accessible
      • Industrial sites and jetties for transhipment of chemicals, liquids and bulk
      • Freight Village adjacent to Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven with trimodal transport connections
      • Germany's largest crude oil transhipment centre
      • Direct highway access and railway connection to the port and the industrial sites
      • Vast areas for company settlement available
    • Tide independent Inner Harbour

      • Separated from the deep water harbour by a double chamber sea lock
      • Each chamber width 57 meters, length 360 meters
      • Water depth up to 12 meters
      • Multipurpose usage
      • Various quay facilities
      • Strong maritime service industry established
    • Regional airport "JadeWeserAirport" and International airport Bremen (1 hour driving distance)
    • Experienced staff for handling hazardous and non-hazardous materials, operation and maintenance of complex process units / sites
  • Raw Materials On-Site

    • PVC, VCM, EDC, ethylene, hydrogen, different kinds of petroleum products, gas, coal, brine, crude oil, nitrogen, oxygen, rare gases
  • Services/Utilities

    • Heat and power (CHP options) via coal fired power plants; Cooling water from the Jade Bay
  • R&D

    • Wilhelmshaven and the region offer a wide range of universities and institutes with a focus on maritime studies and technology, high qualified personnel inclusive.
    • Jade Hochschule, University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven (e.g. engineering and management, Institute of Hearing Technology and Audiology, maritime studies and maritime technology)
    • Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (e.g. natural sciences, computer science)
    • Hochschule Emden/Leer, University of Applied Sciences (e.g. technology, Institute of Nautical Science)
    • Senckenberg am Meer, Marine Research (Actuopalaeontology, Marine Biology, Marine Sedimentology, Marine Geology) and German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research
    • Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM)
    • DEWI German Institute for Wind Energy (a UL company)

Target Investors

  • Energy-intensice process industry
  • Companies integrating into or expanding the local value chains because they can benefit from raw material availability in the up and down streams of the existing companies.
  • Companies who want to expand into world wide value chains by using and benefiting from the infrastructure and the logistics made available by the container port (especially targeting fast growing markets like the new EU member states on the Baltic Sea or distributing products within the rest of Europe).

Potential Business Partners

  • VYNOVA Wilhelmshaven (production of PVC and VCM)
  • DFTG Deutsche Flüssigerdgas Terminal Gesellschaft (planning the construction of the first German LNG receiving and regasification terminal)
  • HES Wilhelmshaven (transhipment, storage, blending and distribution of liquid bulk/mineral oil products)
  • Eurogate Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven (container terminal operator)
  • Rhenus Midgard (logistics provider; transhipment, storage and transfer of coal)
  • Uniper and Engie (coal fired power plants)
  • NWO Nord-West Oelleitung (transhipment, storage and transfer of mineral oil)
  • IVG Caverns (gas and oil storage facilities, brine)
  • Air Products (industrial gas producer)

Partners of Site

  • City of Wilhelmshaven (Department for economic development)
  • CTW JadeWeserPort Marketing GmbH & Co. KG (developing the freight village adjacent to Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven)
  • Industry partners of the CoastSite Initiative
  • ChemCoast regional network of chemical sites
  • NBank (financial aid and incentives)
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