Your company is already operating in Germany and you would now like to export worldwide?

Chemical Industry

Industrial Park Schwedt

Site Classification

Key Data

Site Owner
PCK Raffinerie GmbH
Site Operator
IP Industriepark Schwedt GmbH
& Co. KG
Full Service (Plug & Play)
Fenced/Open Site
R&D Support
Total Site Area
250 hectares (618 acres)
Total Free Area
200 hectares (494 acres)
Number of Permanent Staff
Number of Companies On-Site

Key Benefits for Investors

  • Infrastructure

    • Direct access to refinery infrastructure including fuel storage
    • Pipelines and handling facilities
    • Rail connection with loading facilities on-site, proximity to freeway
    • On-site power generation with connections to regional high voltage power grid
    • Near by harbor on the river Oder (German/ Polish border)
  • Raw Materials On-Site

    • Direct access to value chain of producers on-site (see above)
    • Furthermore access to large grain, straw and wood resources near by in Poland and eastern Germany
  • Services/Utilities

    • Full “Plug & Play” site
    • Expertise for operating large scale engineering projects
  • R&D

    • None

Target Investors

  • Companies that can integrate into the petroleum value chain e.g. biofuels
  • Processes using agricultural raw materials (grain, straw, wood), naphtha, sulfur, polymer propylene as feedstock (up to 200 kt/a), ethanol and those that are energy intensive

Potential Business Partners

Many service companies are located on-site: Logistics, construction, analytics

  • PCK: PCK Raffinerie GmbH is a J.V. between the following mineral oil companies: Ruhr Oel (BP, PdVSA) (37,5%), Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH (37,5%), AET (EN/Total) (25%). PCK refines about 11 M t/a heavy Siberian crude and is European leader in processing costs and margins.
  • Verbio AG: Is the largest biofuel producer. On-site: bio-ethanol and biodiesel (RME)

Partners of Site

  • Potential Business PartnersIn Schwedt: UPM (Paper), Leipa (Paper)

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