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Chemical Industry

IndustriePark Lingen

Site Classification

Key Data

Site Owner
City of Lingen (Ems)
Site Operator
No Central Operating Company
Full Service (Plug & Play)
Fenced/Open Site
R&D Support

Total Site Area
630 hectares
Total Free Area
150 hectares
Number of Permanent Staff
approx. 3,000
Number of Companies On-Site

Key Benefits for Investors

  • Infrastructure

    • Access to direct power and heat connection to established power stations: one nuclear and and two gas plants (average and medium load)
    • Large single vacant plot size (33 hectares, 82 acres)
    • Direct access to canal, rail and freeway
    • Low level of building/ industrial restriction
  • Raw Materials On-Site

    • Acrylonitrile (supply by rail), plasticizers for PVC, production of steel profiles from scrap metal, five natural gas pipelines on-site
  • Services/Utilities

    • High load energy supply (electric and thermal); Companies on-site are free to agree individual service contracts with a large number of service companies located in the vicinity e.g. fire brigade and security services
  • R&D

    • Basic R&D can be done in collaboration with Hochschule Osnabrück – Campus Lingen

Target Investors

  • Energy intensive process industry: e.g. paper, polymerization especially fibers
  • Large volume metal-working industry and machine construction

Potential Business Partners

  • Areva (development and production of nuclear fuel, nuclear engineering and power plant services)
  • Baerlocher (plasticizer production)
  • Belutec (industrial gate production)
  • Benteler (steel production)
  • BP Europa SE (processing of crude oil into fuels, kerosene, light fuel oil and chemical primary products)
  • Dralon (acrylic fiber production)
  • engie (exploration, production of natural gas and oil)
  • Mainka (planning and construction of industrial buildings with an emphasis on chemical production)
  • Rosen: Production of pipeline cleansing & inspection system
  • RWE (nuclear and natural gas powerplants on-site)

Partners of Site

  • Marketing and consulting team (IndustriePark Lingen)
  • Business development department city of Lingen (Ems) and Lower-Saxony
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