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Markets Germany

Looking for inside stories on economic developments? Our magazine Markets Germany covers the latest scoops three times per year.

It contains interesting reports, features, and news about Germany as an investment and technology location.

Recent Issues

Markets Germany 01/25 Markets Germany 01/25 | © GTAI

Focus: The Value of Waste

Germany is vigorously promoting all aspects of the circular economy: from plastic alternatives to recycling technologies, robotics and smart systems

Markets Germany 03/24 Markets Germany 03/24 | © GTAI

Focus: From Not Now To No-Brainer

Germany is embracing AI as the technology to drive economic growth.

Markets Germany 02/24 Markets Germany 02/24 | © GTAI

Focus: New Fuels for a New Era

To protect the climate, the race is on to find more sustainable alternatives for transport vehicles, planes and ships. It’s an imperative that will open many business opportunities in Germany, Europe’s largest economy, and has the potential to be a game-changer in decarbonizing transportation.

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