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Germany Funds “Autonomous Ridepooling” in Hamburg

The country’s transportation ministry is investing more than EUR 26 million in the pilot on-demand project in Germany’s second-largest city. 

The ALIKE project will test up to 20 autonomous shuttles, which can be booked directly via app and which would take pick up passengers wherever they are and bring them to their destinations.

The stated goal is to have as many as 10,000 autonomous shuttles on Hamburg’s streets by 2030. 

“Traffic in Germany will be increasing, so the need is all the greater for clever new forms of mobility that enable our infrastructure to be used efficiently,” said Minister for Digital and Transport Volker Wissing in a statement. “The on-demand shuttle will come at the precise time I need it and bring me directly to my destination.” 

Wissing added, “I am happy that in Hamburg we’ve found a bold and innovation-friendly partner to help establish autonomous driving in Germany, and I’m sure that the idea will be accepted by the people of Hamburg and imitated elsewhere.”

Local transport authorities, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and vehicle manufacturers HOLON and Volkswagen Nutzfahrzeuge are taking part in the project. 

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