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Electronics & Microtechnology

Nokia Plans Massive Expansion in Germany

The Finnish telecommunications company says it will invest EUR 360 million in chip design over four years, focusing on the cities of Ulm and Nuremberg.

Nokia’s initiative aims to develop chips for future mobile systems (5G-Advanced and 6G) that will require less electricity in line with European climate goals. 

“It will strengthen European competitiveness and innovation specifically in the area of microelectronics for future technologies like 6G and artificial intelligence,” the head of Nokia Germany, Eleftherios Papadopoulos, told business newspaper Handelsblatt.

Germany possesses a special significance for Nokia as a market, Papadopoulos added.

The initiative is to be carried out as part of the EU’s Important Projects of Common European Interest IPCEI (program) for microelectronics and communication technology projects. It allocates up to EUR 8.1 billion funds, with roughly 4 billion going to Germany.

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