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Germany Becomes More Friendly to International Skilled Labor

The country with Europe’s largest economy has eased the requirements for non-EU nationals, particularly those with needed skills, to gain employment permits.

Berlin (GTAI) – As of November 18, rewritten legislation in Germany makes it easier for people from outside the EU who wish to live and work in the country. 

Under the new Skilled Immigration Act and the new EU Blue Card, people with a university degree and a job offer only have to make around EUR 43,800 a year to qualify for a residence permit for employment. The minimum earnings for those in certain professions where the need for skilled labor is greatest (for instance, STEM disciplines) must only earn around EUR 39,683. 

IT specialists do not have to possess a university degree, if they can show they have three years of professional experience. 

Permanent residence permits can be granted after as little as 21 months, if candidates learn German. 

“These legislative changes will make it easier for international companies working in Germany to recruit the top-quality employees they need,” says Robert Hermann, CEO of the German government’s international business promotion agency, Germany Trade & Invest. “It’s an example of the government ensuring German competitiveness amid global bottlenecks of skilled labor in key sectors.”

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