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Press Release Germany Climate Change

Germany Now on Course to Reach CO2 Goals

Germany’s CO2 emissions dropped 10.1% in 2023, the largest decrease since 1990. This progress aligns with the country's ambitious climate goals for 2030.

Berlin (GTAI) - The reduction in carbon dixioide emissions from 2022 to 2023 suggest that Germany can meet its ambitious climate targets by 2030.

Ten percent – that was the annual decrease in German CO2 output last year, according to the Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt). Germany emitted 673 million tons of greenhouse gasses in 2023, 76 million million tons fewer than the previous year. 

That represents a reduction of around ten percent and the biggest drop since 1990. Extrapolated into the future, the decrease would mean that Germany would be to achieve its aim of lowering CO2 emissions by 65 percent of 1990 levels at the end of this decade.

“For the first time, the numbers show that Germany is on course,” said Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck in reaction to the figures. “If we stay that course, we’ll reach our 2030 climate goals.”

The 2023 paint a variable picture sector by sector. Transportation and buildings missed their annual targets, but that deficit was made up by others, including energy and industry. 

“All in all, this is very positive news for Germany as a business location,” says Robert Hermann, CEO of Germany Trade & Invest, the country’s international business promotion agency. “Climate neutrality is at the absolute center of Germany’s economic strategy for the future, as more and more companies will want and need to do business sustainably. These figures show that this potential advantage can indeed be reality in Europe’s largest economy.”

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