Gelsenkirchen Site
Base chemicals and/or polymers, consuming companies, service providers supporting existing activities, power producers
Your company is already operating in Germany and you would now like to export worldwide?
Base chemicals and/or polymers, consuming companies, service providers supporting existing activities, power producers
Chemicals and polymers producing and processing companies: With a demand of infrastructure (services, logistics, energies, utilities, effluents); With the need for excellent logistic connections (truck, rail, barges); Investors from other industries are welcome
Chemicals and polymers producing companies - with a demand of infrastructure (energies, utilities, effluents, logistics); Industrial biotechnology research and production companies.
Producers for the photovoltaic industry. On our site you will find companies along the entire value chain from salt to the PV- cell and modules. Producers of fine and specialty chemicals. Producers of metallurgical goods and plastic manufacturers, raw materials suppliers for base chemicals.
Focus is on the business branches of coal (lignite) finishing, the paper and plastics industry as well as the silicon-processing industry (photovoltaics).
Users of formaldehyde, methanol and technical gases. Users of extensive power related services.
ValuePark® is the industrial park of Dow in Central Germany. Its key objective is the integration of strategic partners and customers on-site and the creation and utilization of long-term synergies, by integrating material flows and logistics, sharing existing infrastructure and services, reducing fixed assets and operating capital.
Investors compliment the profile of the site and carry forward the Verbund idea of The Chemical Company BASF - We create chemistry: Profit from BASF outstanding chemical expertise & skills and integration into their product network. Schwarzheide offers excellent infrastructure and logistics including highly competitive utilities & efficient site services.
Companies that can integrate into the petroleum value chain e.g. biofuels.
Companies that can integrate into local value chain (see below) e.g. specific users of raw materials, intermediates, end products, raw material suppliers, producers of complimentary products (additives, packaging as well as service providers - logistics, warehousing, silo operation). User of utilities available on-site and provider of utilities for location. Customers for downstream value chain. Companies that integrate into the knowledge pool of polymer and automotive innovation clusters.
Energy intensive process industry: e.g. paper, polymerization especially fibers. Large volume metal-working industry and machine construction