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Tender Notice Albania Recycling & Waste Management

Consulting Services, Feasibility Study for Solid Waste Management

Tender Award

  • Country Albania
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number Ref: BMZ201868199
  • Subject Solid Waste Management Programme Investment Options in Albania

Brief description of the contract awarded:

The consultant shall prepare a study to assess the need and feasibility to implement improved municipal Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems for the waste zones of Durres, Shkoder-Lezhe, Berat, Vlora, Korca and Sarande.

The consultant’s main tasks comprise:

  • Analysis of the present situation, problem analysis and formulation of Project objectives (Phase 1)
  • Development of a Concept for Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems (Phase 2a)
  • Selection of appropriate sites for treatment plants, sanitary landfill and transfer stations or transfer points, if any (Phase 2 b)
  • Organisation of a planning workshop (Phase 2c)
  • Preparation of the Feasibility Study (Phase 3)
  • Development of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) to support the PEA in the permitting procedure
  • Preparation of the final Feasibility Study Report

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