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Tender Notice Guatemala Nature and Species Protection, Resources Conservation

Consulting Services, Consolidation of the Guatemala System of Protected Areas

Tender Award

  • Country Guatemala
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201265677
  • Subject Project on Consolidation of the Guatemala System of Protected Areas – Life Web II

Brief description of the Contract:

It consists of establishing a network of protected areas that conserve biological diversity and the natural resources linked to it in the Volcanic Chain of the Central and Western Highlands. By this way, it is intended to contribute to the achievement of the objective of the German Cooperation Program with Guatemala in the priority area “Environment and Adaptation to Climate Change”. Measures:

  • Establish an economic compensation system for the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources linked to it in the Project region; increase the capacity of CONAP's Central Altiplano Regional Directorate (DRAC) and CONAP's Western Altiplano Regional Directorate (DRAO) regarding the consolidation of the Guatemala System of Protected Areas (SIGAP) and an economic compensation program for the conservation of biodiversity and the natural resources linked to it

Requested Services:

  • Advisory services and own inputs to the Executing Entity Project (EEP), in relation to operational planning, technical, methodological, administrative, financial assistance, monitoring and follow-up of tasks related to the Project; ensuring the application for KFW standards, thereby contributing to the achievement of its objectives and expected results

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