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Tender Notice Indonesia Agriculture and Forestry

Consulting Services for Programme Implementation, Social Forestry

Tender Award

  • Country Indonesia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201767383
  • Subject Forest Programme V: Social Forestry Support Programme

Brief description of the Contract:

Project brief:

The “Forest Programme V: Social Forestry Support programme” (Project ID, BMZ Nr. 2017 67 383) supports the Government of Indonesia to work with community forest user groups and local administrations to improve forest ecosystems and local livelihoods. The three intended outputs of the programme are:

  • Social forestry related capacity of all relevant stakeholders (such as PSKL, BPSKL, Dinas Kehutanan, Pokja PPS and KPH staff and communities in the field of social forestry) has improved
  • Financially sustainable and climate-resilient forestry models are applied by local communities
  • Harmonization of social forestry related policies within DitJen PSKL and between other involved agencies has improved

Requested consulting services:

Qualified consulting agencies (alone or in cooperation) with proven regional expertise are invited to submit applications. The consultants shall provide the following national and international expertise:

  1. Social/community forestry
  2. Capacity building for forest-management groups and agencies supporting them
  3. Forest-based community enterprise development
  4. Community forest management and land-use planning
  5. Monitoring, evaluation and lesson learning
  6. Environmental and social safeguards

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