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Tender Notice Kyrgyzstan Building Construction

Construction of a Perinatal Centre (Osh)

Cancellation Notice KfW

  • Country Kyrgyzstan
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201166453/BMZ201267368/BMZ201365451/BMZ201370022/KfW509659
  • Subject Project "Mother and Child Care - VI, VII & VIII, Perinatal Centre Osh"


due to lack of qualifying applicants!

  • construction works (construction of a new building and renovation of an existing building) for a new Perinatal Centre. The Perinatal Centre will consist of an emergency room, maternity unit, postnatal unit and operating theatre on the 1st floor. The second level will house the intensive care units as well as the step-down wards for women and newborns. The external works include the connection of the main water, electricity and sewerage services. The total area of the new building will be about 3,748 square meters, and renovated building -1,570 square meters.

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