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Tender Notice North Macedonia Water Supply, Irrigation

Construction Works/Equipment Supply, Water Supply and Wastewater/Stormwater Disposal (Gevgelija)

Tender Award

  • Country North Macedonia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ200966408/KfW507045
  • Subject Water and Sewerage Programme Macedonia, Phase II – Procurement of Works for the Municipality of Gevgelija

Brief description of the Contract:

The project includes the construction and rehabilitation of water supply networks, stormwater sewer networks and the procurement of equipment in the municipality of Gevgelija. The project will include five Measures G1 – G5:

  • G1 - Rehabilitation of water supply pipeline Gevgelija – Bogorodica
  • G2 - Construction of water supply pipeline to Negorci and Prdejci
  • G3 - Construction of storm sewer network in the streets Josif Josifski, Risto Farsinin, Ilendska and surroundings
  • G4 - Construction of storm sewer network in the streets Nikola Karev and part of Sermeninska
  • G5 - Equipment: Distribution valves for water supply network; Procurement of customer meter with wireless reading modules; Procurement and installation of bulk flow-meters

Measures G1 – G4 shall be implemented mandatory, while Measure G5 shall be implemented optionally depending on the availability of remaining funds, after the tendering process.

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