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Tender Notice Serbia Financial Services

Consulting Services, Credit Lines for EE-Investments (Low Carbon Energy Facility)

Tender Award

  • Country Serbia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201970540/KfW507794
  • Subject Low Carbon Energy Facility Project

Brief description of the Contract:

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE/RE) is gaining importance in Serbia and it is an explicit objective of the Serbian Government to increase EE/RE. However, EE/RE investments are still insufficient mainly due to (i) a lack of awareness of the need to conserve/save energy on part of enterprises, municipalities and households and (ii) limited access to long-term financing for EE/RE investments.

The Project "Low Carbon Energy Facility” addresses these challenges. Under this Project up to three partner financial institutions (PFIs) will implement Credit Lines under this project to be extended as EE/RE loans to MSMEs, private households and municipalities.

The objective of the Credit Lines is to increase and deepen access of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME), private households and municipalities to EE/RE finance thus contributing to the deepening and broadening of the financial sector as well as to climate protection through the reduction of energy consumption and CO2-emissions in Serbia.

The Project will be implemented in 2 Phases:

  • Phase I with investment of 50 million EUR (loans) and Technical Assistance Measure (TMA) of up to 0.4 million EUR.
  • Phase II with investment of 50 million EUR (loans) and TMA of up to 0.4 million EUR.

This tender is for Phase I only.

Requested Consulting Services:

The Credit Lines to the PFIs will be enhanced by a TMA of up to 0.4 million EUR in total to support the 3 PFIs individually with the following tasks:

  1. Review of PFIs existing loan portfolio with regard to its potential for energy savings and clustering of existing EE portfolio.
  2. Review of current PFIs loan identification, appraisal and monitoring processes and procedures for EE/RE loan products.
  3. Training of PFIs staff to raise EE/RE awareness and to understand the specifics of the new loan product.
  4. Review of PFIs current marketing concept and strategy for EE/RE loan products
  5. Assist PFIs to design, establish and implement specific energy savings monitoring and reporting systems.
  6. Conduct of simplified energy audits and impact analysis.
  7. Analyze PFIs existing ESMS.
  8. Technical, Environmental and Social Due Diligence.

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