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GTAI-Germany-Green-Powerbank-Taskforce-Transformation-Header Germany’s Green Power Bank | © GTAI

Taskforce Transformation

Germany’s Green Power Bank – Plug into the green energy region

The Transformation Taskforce works on behalf of the German government to attract investors to and internationalize the eastern German refinery sites and port regions as well as securing the future of the PCK Schwedt refinery.

The German government has put together a “future package” of aid to support the regions around the Schwedt and Leuna refinery sites and the port regions around Rostock and Greifswald/Lubmin. Germany Trade & Invest has been specially commissioned to attract investors and internationalize the respective locations. 

Until 2022, Russia was Germany's most important supplier of oil. Russia’s war of aggression in the Ukraine and the subsequent EU embargo on imports of Russian crude oil have put economic pressure on refinery sites in eastern Germany. The eastern German ports and an infrastructure for landing, storing and onward transportation of alternative energy sources are strategically important to maintaining stability of refinery operations. As well as safeguarding immediate security of supply, specific focus is attached to the economic transformation of the different sites and regions. Support is provided for investment and measures that allow the transition to non-fossil fuel production and the establishment of future technologies.

Germany’s Green Power Bank

Discover “Germany’s Green Power Bank“ – six regions in the eastern states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western, Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt at the heart of the thriving hydrogen and renewable energy economies. The traditional fuel and port regions are the focal point of a major government initiative to drive the transition to a carbon-neutral energy future. Businesses investing in the region can receive up to 45 percent of general investment spending and up to 60 percent in infrastructure expenditure. 

Significant port and energy infrastructure is being transformed to process and transport alternative energy sources to connect to global markets. Internationally renowned research clusters and networks as well as a start-up friendly business environment are implementing future technology innovations. Power your green business in Germany’s ideal green region.

Taskforce Transformation Objectives

  • Increase the international visibility and attractiveness of the regions as foreign investment destinations

  • Support the development of international networks and contacts to counteract one-sided dependencies

  • Enable new substantive business impulses for further economic development

"Future Package" Development Locations

The target areas - along the eastern German refinery sites and ports - of the GTAI task force are defined in the Federal Government's "Future Package". They include: 

  • Uckermark
  • Vorpommern-Greifswald
  • Rostock city and state
  • Saalekreis
  • Burgenlandkreis

Transformation Taskforce Measures

  • Analysis of regional potential in the development locations

  • Develop a location marketing campaign to increase the international visibility of the sites and regions and provider support to attract investors

  • Targeted acquisition of international greenfield direct investment in the industry segments relevant to the respective development locations

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