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Environmental Technologies (477)
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  • Sep 15, 2021 Tender Notice Albania Recycling & Waste Management
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    Equipment for Collection and Transport of Municipal Waste and of Street Sweeping Equipment

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Lot 1 – Regional waste collection
    The supplies comprises more than 15 waste compaction collection vehicles, dump trucks and other mobile equipment, as well more than 1500 waste bins for Vlora and Selenica Municipalities. Included:
    20 m³ to 6 m³ compaction trucks
    1,5 m³ bins, metal with plastic lid
    Dump truck
    Backhoe Loader
    Lot 2 - Separate waste (Pilot Projects) – Vlora City
    In order to promote the waste separation at source and the establishment of recycling...

  • Sep 08, 2021 Tender Notice Palestinian territories Below-Ground Construction, Infrastructure
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    Consulting Services, Infrastructure Investment Program Gaza (Power Supply/Wastewater/Water)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Detailed design, construction supervision and accompanying measures for multi-sectoral investment program Gaza
    Programme Measures
    The objective of the project is that the power supply of the relevant public infrastructure in Gaza is more reliable, efficient and climate friendly, primarily by rehabilitating existing pump stations, booster stations, and wells, installation of PV-plants all over the Gaza Strip and optionally restructuring of a main sewage transmission...

  • Aug 27, 2021 Tender Notice Iraq Water Collection
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    Construction and Rehabilitation of Compact Drinking Water Treatment Plants and River Intake Structures

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Contract 1: new installation and rehabilitation of compact drinking water treatment plants and river water intake structures in the Southern Nineveh Region; locations:
    1. AL MESHRAG 200 m3/hr WTP
    2. SAAF AL TOOTH 200 m3/hr WTP
    3. AL SAFINA 200 m3/hr WTP
    4. TOLLUL NASIR 500 m3/hr WTP
    5. SHEWARAT 200 m3/hr WTP
    6. AL DANACH 200 m3/hr WTP
    7. RUFAILA 200 m3/hr WTP
    8. OLD ZAWYA 200 m3/hr WTP
    9. NEW ZAWYA 200 m3/hr WTP
    Detailed design, geotechnical surveys and topography

  • Aug 27, 2021 Tender Notice Democratic Republic of the Congo Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Rehabilitation of Drinking Water Networks

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Lot 2: Rehabilitation of the drinking water supply network of the city of Mbuji-Mayi in the Kasai-Oriental province, including reinforcement of a dam, construction of 2 water towers, construction of a water reservoir, construction of boreholes, construction of pipeline networks, etc.
    Further details are available in the original document in French language (see Download)!

  • Aug 13, 2021 Tender Notice Namibia Building Construction
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    Construction of Park Management Infrastructure in the Coastal Parks of Namibia

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    construction of park management infrastructure including administration offices, tourist reception buildings, service buildings, vehicle stores, workshop, staff houses, alterations and additions to existing buildings, services, related external works and ancillary facilities

  • Aug 13, 2021 Tender Notice Niger Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting Services, Small-Scale Irrigation Project

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    Consulting services within the framework of a small-scale irrigation project in the regions Agadez, Tahoua and Tillabéry to improve agricultural production and smallholder revenues. Planned investments:
    irrigation infrastructure, dams, access roads, storage facilities etc.
    Note: Download document in French language!

  • Aug 12, 2021 Tender Notice Colombia Agriculture and Forestry
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    Consulting Services, Forest and Climate Change (Amazonian Biome Area)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    consulting services to “Formulate the Forest Zoning Plan of the Amazonian biome area in the basins of the Siare and Iteviare rivers in the Municipality of Mapiripán, Meta Department. (330,542 ha.)"

  • Aug 12, 2021 Tender Notice Bolivia Environmental Technologies
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    Consulting Services/Complementary Measures, Potable Water and Sewerage Project Sucre IV

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The objective of the complementary measures is to contribute and, as far as possible, ensure the integral sustainability of the service operator and the infrastructure to be developed within the framework of the Drinking Water and Sewerage Program Sucre IV and the Water Supply Project Sucre III.
    Requested Services:

    The key tasks of the consulting services will be accurately described in the terms of reference that prequalified companies will receive. Tasks...

  • Aug 09, 2021 Tender Notice Ecuador Water Supply, Irrigation
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    Consulting Services, Water Management (Tungurahua)

    Tender Award

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Brief description of the Contract:
    The main objective of the PACT II program is the improvement of the living conditions of the population of the province of Tungurahua and conserve the hydrological basins, by improving water management and increasing agricultural production, more sustainable production types and increases in family income in agriculture. This objective aims to achieve the technification of irrigation systems, as well as other measures for the protection of water resources in the...

  • Jul 30, 2021 Tender Notice Costa Rica Waste Water Disposal, Drainage
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    Design/Construction, Sanitation Projects in Four Cities

    Cancellation Notice KfW

    Financing: KfW Entwicklungsbank

    Cancellation of Tender because of unsatisfactory bidders’ requirements!

    Requested Services:
    Design and built services for sanitation projects (sewage systems and wastewater treatment plants - WWTP) in four Costa-Rican Cities
    Golfito: Activated sludge wastewater treatment plant with nitrogen and chemical phosphorus elimination; population of approx. 7,200 inhabitants; amount of wastewater (incl. infiltration): 28 l/s; main collectors: approx. 9,600 m of sewage pipelines (NW 150-300 mm) plus 9...

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