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Tender Notice Indonesia Water Supply, Irrigation

Consulting Services, Implementation of a Water Supply Project

Tender Award

  • Country Indonesia
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ301000736/KFW502595
  • Subject Regional Water Supply System (SPAM) Wosusokas

Brief description of the Contract:

The Project “Regional Water Supply System Wosusokas” (Wosusokas = Wonogiri, Sukoharjo, Solo and Karanganya), which the German Financial Cooperation intends to support with a promotional loan of up to EUR 75 million provided by KfW shall improve water supply and access in the aforementioned Regencies and municipality and through this enhance the living conditions of their citizens. The Project will contribute to the GRI “100-0-100” initiative and responds to SDG 6.1 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, which calls for universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030.

The following investment measures shall be supported by the proceeds of the loan:

  • Construction of a water treatment plant with an initial (phase 1) capacity of 750 l/s
  • Construction of 8 off-taker reservoirs
  • Booster pump stations
  • Main distribution pipelines of about 80 km from the WTP to the various off-taker reservoirs.


  • Besides assisting the PMU with all project planning, management and controlling related tasks, the Consultant review the existing detailed engineering design for compliance with international standards and best practice and amend / update as required including to address ESHS related aspects. After a review of the current procurement concept, the Consultant shall support to the Employer with the preparation of the detailed technical specifications and bid documents in accordance with KfW’s standard bidding documents, implement (e-)tenders in  accordance with the applicable Indonesian procurement regulations ensuring compliance with KfW’s Procurement Guidelines and support the bid committee in evaluation of applications / bids and contract negotiations. During the implementation phase, the Consultant shall assume the role of Resident Engineer according to FIDIC Pink Book, support the existing procurement concept taking into consideration local/ regional/ international construction capacities and interest in supervision of construction works and assist in contract and claim management. The Consultant shall develop the Environmental and Social Management Plan in accordance with the applicable international and national standards and conduct required monitoring, reporting and evaluation throughout project implementation period including supervision of the contractors’ adherence to the ESMP. Finally, the Consultant shall assist the Employer during the Defects Notification Period (DNP) and closure of the Project.

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