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Tender Notice Peru Waste Water Disposal, Drainage

Consulting Services, Sewage and Wastewater Treatment in Provincial Cities

Tender Award

  • Country Peru
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201266543/KfW508185
  • Subject Programa PTAR II, Servicios de Consultoría para la Implementación del Programa Sectorial de Alcantarillado y Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales en Ciudades de Provincias del Perú

Project Objectives:

  • The objective of the "Sector Program for Sewage and Wastewater Treatment in Provincial Cities" ("WWTP Program") is to increase the coverage of adequate and sustainable treatment of wastewater and sustainable access to sewerage services in cities of provinces. For this, the Program prioritizes investments aimed at construction, rehabilitation, optimization and/or expanding wastewater treatment plants.

Project Measures:

  • Sewerage: Installation of primary and secondary collectors in diameters between 200mm and 1,500mm with a total length of 36.19km, installation of six (6) pumping stations with flows between 100 and 2,434l/s.
  • WWTP: Average flow to horizon 2044 of 1,112l/s with maximum hourly flow of 1,958l/s, screening, grit trap, settler, (micro-) filtration, UV disinfection.
  • Final disposal: Terrestrial outfall with a total length of 6,592.00m, includes tunnel work of 1,320.00m crossing La Península hill towards the sea, submarine outfall of 1,000m in length at depths up to 50m with a diameter of DN 1,400mm.
  • Sludge line: Anaerobic digestion of sludge and cogeneration of electrical energy.

Brief description of the Contract:

  • Analysis of existing studies and fieldwork and determination of additional fieldwork/studies to be subcontracted in the initial phase of the consultancy, e.g. topography survey, geotechnical work, biodiversity study (Villa María wetland and marine ecology) and others
  • Prepare bidding documents for the works/services based on a FIDIC yellow/gold book contract under which the Works Contractor will also be responsible for the detailed design and assisted operation of the WWTP for three years
  • Assist the Contracting Party in the tender and award of the detailed design, construction, and assisted operation contract
  • Supervise the elaboration of the detailed designs and the execution of the works in charge of the Contractor
  • Supervise the start-up of the executed works and the assisted operation for three years by the Contractor
  • Advise on the delivery of works/services (Reception of work) and supervision of repair of defects, within the framework of the Construction Contract
  • Supervise the assisted operation, validating the operability of the executed works
  • Settle the executed works, within the framework of the Construction Contract

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