Dr. Harald Schrimpf - Vorstandsvorsitzender | PSI Software AG

Dr. Harald Schrimpf
Dr.-Ing. Harald Schrimpf has been an equal member of the two-member PSI Executive Board since July 2002 and has been Chairman of the Execu-tive Board since July 2013. He studied electrical engineering at the RWTH Aachen University, graduating as an engineer and subsequently complet-ing his doctorate in technical computer science. From 1995 Dr. Schrimpf was responsible for major IT projects in various management positions at DaimlerChrysler, EADS and the Volkswagen subsidiary gedas Deutschland GmbH. He is a member of the Research Association for Electrical Instal-lations and the Power Industry (FGH), the Energy Research Association (FGE), the main board of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) and the board of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI).
- Appointed to Board of Directors 08/July 2002
- CEO since 01/July 2013
Special responsibilities:
- Strategy
- Marketing and sales
- Technology
- Investor Relations