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Wind Industry

Germany Eyes Massive Expansion of Offshore Wind Energy

The Federal Office for Maritime Navigation and Hydrography (BSH) has drafted a plan for expanding offshore wind energy to up to 60 gigawatts (GW) by 2037.

The draft plan represents the continuation of a drive to dramatically increase Germany’s offshore wind energy production. It expands the legally mandated goal of 40 GW to 50 GW by 2035. A further 10 GW are expected in the following two years.

“In the past years, we’ve worked intensively with the other responsible German administrations and our Danish and Dutch neighbors,” said BSH President Helge Heegewaldt in a statement. “With the published plan, we’ve succeeded in restructuring shipping routes to create additional areas for wind energy of significantly over 10GW.”

36 GW of the 60 GW are to be declared acceleration areas. They are especially suitable for the construction and operation of offshore wind turbines and therefore permitting procedures will be simplified.

Offshore wind power is a crucial strategic element in Germany’s transition to clean energy. The country’s long-term goal is to install 70 GW of wind energy capacity by 2045.

“Wind energy is a central pillar in the transformation of our energy system,” said German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck. “With this plan, we are providing planning and investment security for everyone involved and contributing to the creation of sustainable delivery chains.”

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