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Tender Notice Luxembourg Financial Services, General

Consulting Services/Fondsmanagement, Latin American Green Bond Fund

Tender Award

  • Country Luxembourg, Latin America, World
  • Financing KfW Entwicklungsbank
  • Reference Number BMZ201865252/BMZ201965300/BMZ201936681
  • Subject Latin American Green Bond Fund (LAGREEN)

Brief description of the Contract

The Latin American Green Bond Fund  SA, SICAV-SIF (“LAGREEN” or, the “Fund”) has been incorporated end of 2019. The Fund qualifies as an alternative investment fund that is internally managed within the meaning of the AIFM Law. Promoted by KfW Development Bank (KfW), the Fund will be a public-private partnership. Its mission will be to support positive climate, environmental and societal benefits through the provision of responsible finance predominantly via green bonds issued by qualified issuers, targeting Latin America. The objective of the Fund is to spur the sustainable development of Latin America’s green bond markets. It will primarily do so by supporting the primary issuance of new green bonds by investing in or underwriting such bonds, including through technical assistance.

The requested consulting services include (but are not limited to):

  • Development of an investment pipeline and investment management  
  • Development of a TA pipeline and management of TA activities
  • Support in the raising of additional investment funds for the various risk classes of the fund as well as for the TA Facility
  • Risk management, asset liability management, environmental and social risk management
  • Management of the Fund’s and the TAF’s communication and external relations
  • Corporate Secretary Services with regards to the Fund (incl. compliance) and the TAF

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